The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment.
Our grounds are fenced and the gates are locked between 8.40am and 3pm. During the school day access is controlled by a security system.
No child will be allowed to leave the school, even in exceptional circumstances, with anyone other than you or a person that you have authorised in writing.
Permission Forms, held by the School Office, should therefore, be kept up to date and anyone you have authorised to collect your child must bring identification with them.
Please ensure that the School Office holds up-to-date contact details for you and at least one emergency contact person. If your child becomes ill at school, or has an accident, we will contact you as soon as possible. Please keep mobile phones charged and switched on! It is very distressing for your child, you and school staff, if you cannot be contacted. In such cases, we will act on your behalf, to ensure that your child’s needs are met.
If we believe that your child has been, or is at risk of, being harmed – emotionally or physically, we will take action immediately. This may be by contacting the appropriate authority – Children’s Services or the Police.
Every member of the school community has a duty to protect their own and others’ health and safety.
The School’s Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
Kirstie Jones - Executive Headteacher (Lead DSL)
Andrew Kershaw - Head of School
Kelly Kelsey - Safeguarding Lead for Children and Families - If you would like to contact Mrs Kelsey, please telephone 0333 360 2100 or email
Kim Bolden - Deputy DSL
Alice Bailey - Deputy DSL
Kay Bravo - Deputy DSL
Beth Welstead - Deputy DSL
If you are concerned about a child out of school hours
In case of emergency call Police- 999
Contact Medway Children's Services
01634 334466
Concerned about a child | Concerned about a child | Medway Council