At All Faiths, we are committed to transforming the life chances of every child who walks through our doors. Our approach to education is rooted in the All Faiths' Foundations, which embody our core values: Respect, Resilience, Responsibility, Inclusion, Aspiration, and Kindness. Through a cognitive approach, we aim to foster aspiration and a lifelong love of learning within a safe, purposeful, and nurturing environment.
The submissions window for 25-26 admissions is now closed.
For more information on applying for a primary school, please refer to the Medway Council website here
The school day starts at 8.30 am and closes at 3.05 pm. (Children are in school for 32.50 hours per week)
School registers are taken from 8.35 to 8.45 am.
If your child is unwell please notify the School Office by 8.30am first day of absence. Please try to make medical and dental appointments out of school time or in the holidays. If you can’t, please let us know in good time, sending an appointment card for the School Office to copy and to issue you with a Pupil Pass. Your child must be collected by an authorised adult.
The school can authorise absence due to illness. Other absences may only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. We work closely with Medway’s Attendance Advisory Service (AAP) and will refer your child to them if we are concerned about their attendance. The Attendance Advisory Service is there to help If you have problems.
You do not have an automatic right to take your child on holiday during school time. The Law does not permit a child’s absence to be authorised for a holiday during school time, expect in the most exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the Headteacher.
If you take a holiday during school time, you may receive a Fixed Penalty Notice of £80 if you pay within 21 days or £160 if you pay within 28 days.
The school gates open at 08.30 and close at 08.40.
Registration is open from 8:35 am- 8.45 am. Pupils arriving after the closure of the gates but before the registers close will be marked with a late code (L) Pupils arriving after the registers have closed will be coded U (Late after registers close) which counts as an unauthorised absence for the whole morning session.
Lateness is upsetting for your child and disruptive for other pupils. Whilst unavoidable on the odd occasion, we will inform the Attendance Advisory Practitioner of frequent lateness. We are here to help – if you have a problem, please ask!
Fire regulations require late children to be brought to the School Office to be signed in.