Children first, Aspire, Challenge & Achieve

At All Faiths, we are committed to transforming the life chances of every child who walks through our doors. Our approach to education is rooted in the All Faiths' Foundations, which embody our core values: Respect, Resilience, Responsibility, Inclusion, Aspiration, and Kindness. Through a cognitive approach, we aim to foster aspiration and a lifelong love of learning within a safe, purposeful, and nurturing environment.

The submissions window for 25-26 admissions is now closed. 
For more information on applying for a primary school, please refer to the Medway Council website here


Making Learning Irresistible

We teach your child to think in many different ways. They will become involved in solving problems, conducting investigations, hypothesising, philosophising and reaching conclusions which can be justified.

We also specialise in teaching deaf children. Our specialist staff help the children to communicate effectively using British Sign Language, Sign Supported English, finger spelling, lip reading and speech – “total communication”. All children will learn British Sign Language as part of our curriculum.

Our staff work closely together to provide a safe, clean, calm and stimulating learning environment for all children. We take learning into the outdoor environment too – with a large field, a copse, a pond and plenty of playground space

Appeal Form & FAQs

Appeals for Year R (Academic Year 2024 – 2025)

Appealing an offer

You can appeal for any school named on your application that has not been able to offer your child a place.

To do this you will need to complete an appeal request form.

The form and details of where to return it to for each school will be published in the next steps guide on offer day.

The deadline for submitting an appeal is Tuesday 14 May 2024 for offers made on 16 April.

For late applications, appeal requests should be submitted within 20 school days of your application outcome.

You can appeal after these deadlines but your appeal might not be heard at the same time as those submitted on-time.

When you appeal you:

  • can only appeal for schools named on your application
  • can appeal for more than one school at the same time
  • must complete a request form for each school you're appealing for
  • can appeal for a school even if you have accepted another offer.

Schools will not know you have appealed for another school unless you tell them. The appeals for each school are completely independent of each other.