Dear Parents/carers,
Welcome to the new school year. I hope that you have had a happy and safe holiday. A very warm welcome to all our new pupils and their families, we hope that they all settle quickly into school life and enjoy their time at All Faiths.
Start/Pick-up times:
- Years 1 - 6 start on Monday 4th September
- For children in nursery and Reception, your sessions are the same as stated on your session times that were sent out before the summer holidays. Please email the main school office if you are unsure of your child's session times on office@allfaithschildrensacademy.orq.uk
- As was communicated before the summer break, there has been a slight change to the timings of the school day in accordance with the DFE's most recent guidance
- The school gates will open at 08:30 and close at 08:40 ready for registration starting at the earlier time of 08:35
- The school gates will open at 15:05 for pick-up until 15:15
- The afternoon slot for Nursery children will start at 12:05
- Please can we remind you not to park in the school grounds to drop off or collect your child unless this has been prearranged.
- Please ensure if your child is late to school, they have an adult with them to sign them in at the main school office
- If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office as early in the school day as possible. In line with our safeguarding and attendance policies, it is very important we have a reason for each day of absence. If a reason for the absence is not provided, it shall automatically be marked as unauthorised
- If your child has a medical appointment, where it is not possible to have them made outside of school hours, please ensure you provide the school office with medical evidence of this appointment
- Term time holidays are not permitted, they will be recorded as unauthorisedabsences and the details will be referred to the local authority for consideration to be given in issuing a Fixed Penalty Notice. Currently the penalty notice stands at £60 per pupil per parent if paid within 21 days. This increases to £120 per pupil per parent if paid within 28 days. Failure to pay altogether will result in court proceedings.
- Children should not be collected early if their sibling or parent/carer is sick
- Children should not be staying at home too if their sibling or parent/carer is sick
- It is a parent's legal obligation to ensure that their child attends school: The 1996 Education Act states "If any child of compulsory school age, who is a registered pupil at a school, fails to attend regularly, the parents/carer of the child shall be guilty of an offence". The Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 also introduced the use of penalty notices as an additional sanction to address the problem of poor school attendance. Failure to ensure your child's regular attendance at school may result in prosecution in the courts or a penalty notice being issued.
- If you have had a letter to inform you your child requires medical evidence and you fail to produce this, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. I need to make you aware that if a child incurs 10 sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence, including absence without explanation or medical evidence, a referral may be made to the local authority for consideration of a fixed penalty notice or court action. Currently the penalty notice stands at £60 per pupil per parent if paid within 21 days. This increases to £120 per pupil per parent if paid within 28 days. Failure to pay altogether will result in court proceedings.
Other key reminders:
Lunchtimes: A reminder to all that we are a 'nut free' school.
PE days: After the success of the children wearing full PE kit on the day, they have PE at school we have decided to keep this system in place. Please can we remind you that PE kit is a white T-shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms in cold weather and black trainers.
School Uniform: More information regarding our uniform policy can be found on our website.
Homework & Clubs: Homework will commence within the first couple of weeks of term and more guidance will follow via the class email. More information about clubs will be communicated in the coming weeks.
Toys/items from home: Many children are excited about the new toys, items they have received/earned during the school holidays. However, these must not come into school and distract from our wholly inclusive learning environment.
Breakfast club: Breakfast club resumes on Monday 4th September.
Medication/Update of contact details/Collection: Please ensure your child's medication is brought in on the first day of term. Ensure that if there are updates to contact details/names of adults collecting these are completed before the end of the school day.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Kershaw
Deputy Headteacher